In-line Ultrasonic Inspection

Ultrasonic technology detects and measures defects in areas where the inspection capabilities of the magnetic method are limited. An ultrasonic sensor is used to take a defect map, which allows the most accurate assessment of the degree of severity, taking into account its profile. This is typical for extensive areas of uniform corrosion, erosion wear and longitudinal defects. The method makes it possible to detect internal wall defects, such as laminations of different shapes (planar laminations, surface-breaking laminations, hydrogen sulfide cracking, non-metallic inclusions).

Reliable assessment of these defects is necessary to ensure the required safety of a pipeline system and to achieve this with minimum labor and material costs. Ultrasonic inspection tool with direct beam input of NGP development possesses high accuracy of defect geometric parameters, angular position of features and traveled distance.

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  • > 64 000

    kilometers inspected

  • > 1050

    sections inspected

  • > 135

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